Friday, May 03, 2013

The Wrens - Silver (1997)

Back before their Chinese Democracy-like delay in releasing the follow-up to 2001's masterpiece The Meadowlands (which has still not happened), The Wrens actually prolifically released three albums between 1997 and 2001.  This is their debut; it's cool to hear the embryonic beginnings here, but it's really not up to par with their later work.  

Denis turned me on to these guys, but I know he agrees:  avoid this one, but FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, GET OFF YOUR ASS AND PICK UP THE MEADOWLANDS.  WHY HAVE YOU WAITED 12 YEARS TO BUY THIS ALBUM?  WHY???

Just for that I'm not even giving a clip from Silver.  Here's something from The Meadowlands.  WHY DO YOU MAKE ME DO THIS?

The Wrens - Hopeless (from the album The Meadowlands, which you do not even own, you jackass)

Oh, and see them live if you can, they are great.

CD Placement Rating:  Sell back 1.

- Snilch

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And when looking for updates on the band, do NOT look on the site dedicated to the ladies of the Navy, FYI.